Love me some games. I have even made some – check ’em out on the Omega Squid Studios website!
Anywho, here’s what I like to play…when I find the time to do so!
Basically anything. I have an ever-growing video game collection, so I tend to get a system and some peripherals then amass games over time when I find decent deals.
- PC – Steam kicks butt, hands down\
- Tabletop – it’s hard finding people to play, but I love Settlers of Catan, Monopoly, Axis & Allies, RISK
- iPhone – always with me!
- Android tablet
- Nintendo handhelds – currently a new 3DS XL, but I’ve owned them all (except Game Boy Advance micro)
- Xbox 360
- PS3 (got a great deal on a used one)
- Wii U (got it with a bunch of games for a steal on ebay, summer ’14)
- Xbox One X (Jan 2018)
- Nintendo Switch (April 2019)
- RTS games
- Fighting games (Super Street Fighter II and Smash Bros series are really the only two I enjoy)
- Turn based strategy
- X4 games
- Open world
- Casual
Some of my all time favorites
- Age of Empires 2 + Conquerors + Forgotten Empires Expansions.(Picked up the remastered AoE2HD during the steam summer sale ’14)
- Animal Crossing (all versions)
- Civilization 5 (all DLC/expansions)
- Fallout 3
- Fallout New Vegas
- Pokemon (handhelds, GBC through 3DS. Need to buy the console games for my collection)
- Chibi-Robo
- Team Fortress 2
- Card Wars (Adventure Time, globbing awesome)
- Plants Vs Zombies
- Plants Vs Zombies 2
- PvZ Garden Warfare (hilarious)
- Call of Duty: World at War
- Tom Clancy Splinter Cell series (STEALTH!)
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (AMAZING)
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
- Pocket Tanks
- Harvest Moon (SNES)
- Radiant Defense (Hexic makes beautiful games)
What I’ve been playing lately (updated July ’19)
A backlog from Hell on all platforms (I really need to sit down and play through the last 2 pokemon Gens on 3DS…)
Apex Legends, Fallout 76, Battlefront 2, Battlefield 1, occasionally PUBG when I can stand it on my Xbox One X (hail glorious 4K)
Stardew Valley, Civ VI, FTL on my iPad Pro
BoTW, Pokemon on the Switch
If you are friends with me on steam, you’ll get a good gist of my playing habits when I actually do get some free time.